"Altar of Disembowelment"
  • Dealy Storm
    <..AVULSED are on their new EP in the best condition. Cruel, urgent, maniac. Four tastings of bloody meat in the form of their own songs and one cover version of the BLACK SABBATH are perfect underground work...>
  • Necromance
    <...nos encontramos ante un excelente trabajo de Death Metal en el que la banda nos ofrece su versión más pesada e intensa, una auténtica joya que sólo se le puede poner un pero, y es que es demasiado corto...>
  • Broken Tomb
    <5 temas en 22 minutos que incluyen una versión de Black Sabbath,de intenso y sublíme death metal que no defraudara a sus más acérrimos seguidores ni a los amantes del autentico death metal.>
  • Xtreem Music
    <...creo que “Altar of Disembowelment” es un aperitivo excelente a la espera del próximo larga duración de AVULSED, un trabajo marcadamente más pesado y lento, pero con dosis más que de sobra de brutalidad y calidad a espuertas.>
  • RockeandoBCN
    <No hay duda, Avulsed caminan con paso firme y decidido hacia sus primeros veinticinco años de vida, demostrando, una vez más, que están en un excelente estado de forma, y la mejor prueba es este suculento “Altar Of Disembowelment”, un trabajo en el que, sin renunciar a su identidad, la banda ha sabido introducir nuevas influencias y sonoridades.>
"Revenant Wars"
  • Voices From The Darkside
    <This release has during the last couple of weeks grown to become one of my favorite releases this year. Two killer tracks delivered intense with a lot of soul and passion, and some styleful packaging.>
  • Xtreem Music
    < sé, seguramente solo sean quimeras mías, o mi imaginación que se extiende junto a ese olor, pero esa es la principal impresión que transmite este tema, nada más, así de entrada, la voz suena pútrida y guturalmente densa, las guitarras fluyen con pastosidad mórbida, el bajo y la batería terminan por diluirlo todo en una masa informe, tumefacta y maloliente.>
"Ritual Zombi"
  • Metal Music Blog
    <Ritual Zombi is definitely not your typical death metal album. With measured use of melody, acoustic interludes and varying rhythmic techniques, this is an album for those who are tired of listening to monotonous death metal albums sticking within the strict confines of the genre>
    <Es la evolución natural de ‘Nullo’ con un sonido limpio y directo o como ellos mismos lo han descrito “increíblemente pesado, grueso y orgánico”. Con ‘Ritual Zombi’ AVULSED se ha superado a sí mismos>
  • Trueno Metalico
    <4 años después, los madrileños vuelven con las pilas cargadas; desde ya disco de la semana en la web, y si me apuráis, de lo que llevamos de año, también>
  • The Metal Observer
    <“Ritual Zombi” is still a good album, just not a great one>
  • Metal-Daze Magazine
    <En definitiva hay que decir lo de siempre: AVULSED lo ha hecho de nuevo! La discusión sobre si este disco es el mejor de la historia del grupo o si no logra superar lo hecho anteriormente, es una que no me inquieta. Cada uno debe juzgar por si mismo. Pero ¿importa esto realmente? A mi lo que me importa es que una gran banda, como sin dudas lo es AVULSED, entregue una y otra vez un disco respetable. Y en ese aspecto hay que decir que los madrileños no fallan. ¿Querés Death Metal? Acá lo tenés. Simple y directo. Un gran trabajo de una gran banda>
  • Nos Gusta La Música Metal
    <Their twisted into form of brutal and necrophobic death metal still holds the flag of hate high on their sixth full-length "Ritual Zombie">
  • Nos Gusta La Música Metal
    <Los temas que conforman la base del disco son una mezcla de brutalidad, agonia, riffs lacerantes y cortes abrasivos, que se unen con toques de melodía sutilmente utilizados. Todo ello engalanado con la tematica Zombi, hacen de este disco candidato a lo mejorcito del 2013>
  • Explicitly Intense
    <There is almost an hour worth of insane death metal brutality on his CD, and every track on here fucking smokes. Highly recommended as I think this is definitely one of the better death metal releases of 2013>
  • Spain Death Metal
    <Avulsed han demostrado con su nuevo álbum que no es una banda atascada pese a sus más de dos décadas en activo, y nos han dado una lección que muchos esperábamos ya que han demostrado con creces que aún pueden dar y ofrecer mucho más de si, es un álbum obligado si sois amantes del más puro y clásico Death Metal!!>
    <Un homenaje al género, al terror, la barbarie y al fascinante mundo de los muertos vivientes a golpe de ‘blastbeat’, guitarras imposibles y la inhumana voz de Dave Rotten, que van a hacer de este un clásico en no tanto tiempo. Este muerto está muy vivo…>
  • Heavy Metal Inside
    <Ritual Zombi es Avulsed 100%, Death Metal puro y duro, muy duro. Yo diría que Ritual Zombi es un disco mucho más violento que Nullo, más rápido, más directo. Disco redondo de los madrileños, que no hace mas que reafirmar que Avulsed, han sido son, y seguramente seguirán siendo la gran banda de metal extremo de este nuestro país, y una de las grandes del panorama internacinal.>
  • Mundo Rock & Heavy Wenzine
    <No comenzaremos diciendo en este caso que Avulsed podría recordar al sonido de la vieja escuela ni menos que suenan a tal o cual agrupación. Simplemente lo cuerdo es decir que ellos son de la vieja escuela y que a lo largo de toda su extensa trayectoria han sonado y siguen sonando a ellos mismos, fieles como pocos a sus raíces y a su tradición death metalera...>
  • Decibel Magazine
    <Constantly varying tempos, rhythmic schemes and textures, Avulsed execute their mission with all the skill and relish you'd expect from a 21-year-old band>
    <Lo cierto es que en “Ritual Zombi” hay riffs tan cojonudos que parece mentira que se trate de un disco de 2013, dado que muchas partes hacen que me pregunte cómo puede ser que a nadie se le hayan ocurrido antes>
  • Xtreem Music
    <En cuanto lo oyes un par de veces te da la sensación de llevar toda la vida escuchándolo, suena como un clásico, de los de la vieja escuela...>
  • Antichrist Magazine
    < "Ritual Zombie" is almost an hour of brutality with nasty riffs, bloody solos, torturing bass, devastating drumming with hellish vocals and if you still don't have this record in your collection you should be ashamed of yourself>
  • Award to the most ridiculous, absurd & senseless review in a long time:
    The Metal Observer
    <Everything on here just screams SUFFOCATION! The rhythm, the vocals, the gore laden lyrics… all of it is just a blatant copy of SUFFOCATION!>

    <If AVULSED haven't turned into a rock and roll band by now, or gone off on any hardcore or prog tangents, it seems safe to say that they plan to carry the torch for undiluted death metal for life, with ever sharpening focus and skill>
    <A song like Breaking Hymens is already in my personal extreme fucking metal hit parade and an album like Nullo is already in the history: Death Gore for the New Millennium!>
  • Dark Music Site
    <un excelente disco de death metal, que lo tiene todo, desde las voces ultra guturales de Dave Rotten pasando por excelencia técnica en guitarras y sección de ritmo hasta temazos pegadizos para mover la cabeza a todo tren - es death metal puro y duro, curradísimo, con el que disfrutar a tope>
  • Diabolical Conquest Webzine
    <Sure Avulsed have been around since nearly the beginning, but Nullo doesn't change their course from almost twenty years of mediocrity>
  • Funeral Rain Zine
    <This is brutal death that goregrind fans should enjoy as well. It’s very rough sounding too, a well produced collection of songs that have a sound that seems to have been purposely left unsanded>
    < ha tenido demasiada difusión en su país natal, sin embargo, los AVULSED siguen peleando por llegar al sitial que se merecen, por mi lo han logrado y han definido y consagrado su estilo con este trabajo>
  • Lords of Metal e-zine
    <...creating an entertaining death metal record does not entail writing one thousand riffs, it entails writing goddamn effective riffs!>
  • Malestrom Webzine
    <The people that are especially turned off by goofy death metal should try and ignore all the track titles and simply focus on the music. It's worth every penny. For every other death metal fan, Nullo should be an instant buy>
    <...un disco de Death Metal de lo más estandard, pesado y brutal que se consigue disfrutar bastante bien. Una grabación compacta de una veterana (si no la que más en activo de este país) formación>
    <Nullo is a serviceable death metal album; it sounds fine while it is playing, but it lacks that certain spark that will make me pull it off the shelf very often>
    <Gran sabor de boca el que nos deja este álbum, con una banda que no ha conseguido demasiados apoyos en España, y aún así siguen luchando y sacando trallazos como este álbum>
  • MTUK Metal 'Zine
    <... it’s certainly another solid slab of unapologetic, unashamed audio destruction for those fascinated by the twisted side of life. Easily the perfect soundtrack for rubbernecking at car accidents on a Sunday afternoon>
    <Claro está que cada cual tendrá su propio favorito en la discografía de Avulsed. Pero este Nullo reúne todo lo necesario para colocarse bastante alto en el ranking personal de cualquiera de sus seguidores>
    <Se trata pues de otro gran trabajo de los madrileños, que quizás han conseguido de darle otra pequeña vuelta de tuerca a su death metal que, sin perder un ápice de crueldad, ha recibido una dosis extra de complejidad e inspiración para alumbrar el que fácilmente podría ser su mejor trabajo hasta la fecha. El tiempo lo dirá…>
  • The Metal Circus
    <Con trabajos así, veo improbable que alguna banda nacional pueda quitarle el cetro a AVULSED –por perseverancia, tesón, experiencia y dedicación- como formación a la cabeza de la escena nacional en lo que a Death Metal Standard clásico de toda la vida se refiere>
  • The Metal Crypt
    <I'm not familiar with the band's previous albums, but I can say that this one is pretty damn good Death Metal>
  • The Sentinel Web Mag
    <Avulsed marca las diferencias respecto a bastantes grupos de su mismo estilo, tanto nacionales como internacionales, porque, aunque su música es 100% Death Metal, en ella incluyen influencias y toques del Thrash Metal e incluso del Heavy Metal, pero sin resquebrajar esas bases y estructuras totalmente del puro Death Meta.
    ...porque quizás “Nullo (The Pleasure Of Self-Mutilation)” sea el mejor álbum y el más completo de toda la discografía de los madrileños.
  • Wonka Vision Magazine
    <If you still haven’t been able to fill your deranged cravings for the most intense music on the planet let, Avulsed help you get there you sick bastard. Beware Satan, these guys make you look like a pansy>
  • Xtreem Music
    <...ahora puedo asegurar que, dejando a un lado el peso histórico de sus primeros trabajos, y mi preferencia personal hasta ahora por “Yearning For The Grotesque”, con pocas dudas “Nullo” es uno de los mejores trabajos de la banda madrileña, sino el mejor...>
    <This is a nice collectors item for the freaks and is also a nice change to hear some unknown bands. A big compliment for Dave Rotten and his crew too.>
    <Los Avulsed han editado otra gran obra en su ya gran discografía que aunque no siendo una nueva sonoridad en su totalidad, representa una interesante escucha para sus seguidores, solo por el detalle de la jeringuilla se merecen más de un 10 pero como no se les puede dar más puntuación...>
  • Dark Music Site
    <un disco hecho más que nada para los que ya conocen al grupo, pero que también resulta de interés para todos los demás>
    <Solo de esta manera crece el underground: publicando y publicando y publicando, dando cancha a los pequeños, haciéndoles regalitos tan suculentos como este “Reanimations”...>
    <Un trabajo que nos ayudará a descubrir nuevas bandas, y saciará el hambre por nuevos temas de AVULSED, y que no está destinado exclusivamente para fans>
    <Reanimations is mandatory if you're already a fan of the Spaniards...>
    <Sin duda, si el próximo material a editar por los de Dave Rotten está a la misma altura que estas 2 composiciones, seguramente estaremos hablando de lo mejorcito que habrá publicado AVULSED>
"Gorespattered Suicide"
  • Esencia Radio Web
    <Mucho Death Metal de la vieja escuela con toques de lo mejor del Grindcore...>
    <..."Gorespattered Suicide" will surround you with brutality, catchiness and really sickening music overall. After all, this IS the best Death Metal band I've heard from Spain, and believe me I've heard many bands from that country.>
    <This album is like getting hit on the head by a sledgehammer. I love it... Gorespattered Suicide" has been a shot of life (death?) to me.>
    <In a day when it's hard to find bands evolving in the right direction, Avulsed is a breath of hellfire!>
    <To me this is just one hell of a great death metal album that just has everything that I like death metal for.>
    <Gorespattered Suicide is yet another shining example of how the death metal scene can and will continue to improve.>
  • Bloodcifery Webzine
    <en esta ocasión intentan alejarse de esa influencia (DEMIGOD) embrutecientose un poco, pero sin perder sus raices que viene del death metal old school y de proveniencia norte>
  • Les Acteurs Du L'Ombre Webzine
    <Cet album de death metal old school aux effluves mélodiques est tout simplement excellent!>
    <Enfin qu’importe, je conseille vivement « Gorespattered » à tous les amateurs de guttural bien ficelé qui ont envie de voir ce que donne le croisement du death/thrash old school et des nouvelles mouvances.>
  • [10/10]
    <Gorespattered Suicide has ten songs who rank Avulsed as making one of the ten best albums of the year, inside Death Metal I think it's very difficult any other band do something better.>
  • (Disco Nacional del mes)
    <Su potencial y su buen hacer queda demostrado disco a disco, siendo sin duda la mejor banda española del género y una de las mejores del mundo!!>
    <they managed to deliver 12 hammering Death Metal tracks, which are having enough power to give the listener the right feeling.>
    <Velocidad, pero no de forma gratuita, contundencia dosificada, unas guitarras que son de lo que más me gusta a nivel nacional que, aun sonando a puro Death Metal saben escoger cuando y como ejecutar cierta melodía, sin el uso de solos porqué sí, una batería consistente y que no intenta destacar por encima del conjunto, un gran bajista, y una voz que da una vuelta de tuerca al conjunto... demostrando que Avulsed, aun brutales, no pecan de monótonos, y menos en Gorespattered.>
  • Xtreem Music [español] · [english]
    <Siguiendo la líena de brutalidad de sus anteriores trabajos este es el disco suena incluso mejor que los anteriores>
    <Per rispetto alla lunga carriera degli spagnoli Avulsed diciamo che 'Gorespattered Suicide' è un album dal taglio 'classico' in grado di comunicare un discreto numero di input positivi.>
    <I personally like their intensive riffs in rather melodic approach which interact with the rhythm section effectively during breaks>
    <Avulsed have fulfilled their wish and can satisfy any bloodthirsty Death Metal supporter rather>
    <Qualitatively what also goes there. Here it is threshed not simply in the instruments, but song structures can be absolutely recognized there.>
    <12 randy and varied songs which have everything what belongs to a neat and brutal Death Metal-Longplayer>
  • Aberration Webzine
    <Merciless gory splatter horror Death Metal slaughter. Yes - thats it. Mercilessly successfully I can only say there>
    <Therefore Death Metal of the old school with a lot of Groove, aggressiveness and an amount of brutal energy.>
    <Yes, we can listen to the most powerful riffs that Avulsed created since "Stabwound Orgasm", but revitalized with new influences from the most brutal death metal vein...>
    <Una escucha más detenida del disco nos revela un trabajo compositivo mucho más variado. Los grandes referentes por los que la banda es famosa siguen ahí: ritmos totalmente suecos en la onda de DISMEMBER, GRAVE o DEMIGOD, melodías con influencias arabescas por doquier..>
    <"Gorespattered Suicde" would be put to every Deather infernal in the heart... From this reason there is for this the maxium point figure of 10 points, deservedly!>
    <AVULSED halten eine gute Balance zwischen technischen Spielereien und moshbaren Riffs und Grooves.>


"Yearning for The Grotesque"
    <...este es el mejor álbum que la banda ha editado en su carrera, no solo a nivel de ideas, si no de composición de los mismos y como no de sonido y producción...>
    <Written in czech...>
    <Written in russian...>
    < Bien entendu «Yearning for the grotesque» n’échappe pas, hélas, à quelques petites longueurs mais comme ce n’est pas si souvent qu’on a le plaisir de les entendre, alors ne boudons pas notre plaisir et savourons ce cd à sa juste valeur.>
    <"Yearning for the grotesque" connects to the predecessor and bangs again with a very beautifully fat Sound>
    <Sono felice invece di notare come una delle prime e più longeve brutal gore/death metal band europee sia ancora in vita e mostri uno stato di forma così buono.>
    <Sehr melodiös und nach vorne prügelnt begeistert „Avulsed“ ohne Frage jeden Hörer der Geschmack hat, und ist mit Sicherheit ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte des Death Metal.>
    <Sin duda, un discazo!>
    <...And those bastards have a big sound, a killer singer, and a very good technical level.>
    <En este, su tercer álbum, la brutalidad extrema marca de la casa, se mezcla con pasajes melódicos de altísima calidad.>
  • GATE OF METAL Webzine
    <Often I've seen that some licensed journalists have described, too much hastily for my opinion, Avulsed as one of the Cannibal Corpse's clone of the scene. A big mistake. Too much restrictive for one of the most heavy, extreme, old and, why not, prolific european band...>
  • KRONIC.IT Webmag
    <...el Death Metal del futuro? ...para mí es el álbum Death Metal del año. >
    <un álbum muy bien grabado, producido con tacto y tan gore y brutal como sus antecesores>
  • METALMAS.COM Webzine
    <La verdad es que en cuestión de Death Metal es lo mejor que he oído en los últimos meses junto al “Unholy Cult” de IMMOLATION>
    <... varied tempo and good combination of Old School Death Metal with modern elements.>
  • BLOODDAWN.DE Webzine
    <Death Metal in its pure form, also without exaggerated technical aspect, without too much senseless adornments and with some more Metal in the blood>
    <The style is original, and there’s enough variety on the album to keep you interested...>
    <...brutal and melodic songs this is another prove that Avulsed is at the top of the death metal scene today!>
    <“Yearning for the Grotesque” gets my full endorsement, and for percussive death fans I recommend you purchase this when & where you can and as soon as you can.>
    <Yearing For The Grotesque is a really good Death Metal album that I can recommend to every fan of brutal death>
    <El verdadero punto de fuerza del álbum es la variedad de las canciones, perfectamente reconocibles la una de la otra,...>
  • TRANSIT Magazine
    <'Yearning For The Grotesque' is a great brutal Death Metal album, that doesn't sound like any other album.>
    <Containing all the classic Avulsed ingrediensts - old school riffing mixed with melodic parts, a very intense and tight rhytm section and vocalist Dave Rotten`s ultra brutal death growl - this is Avulsed at it`s best.>
  • METALHEL Webzine
    <Avulsed has showed that it's still alive and kicking - and they even have some originality and surprises.>
    <For fans of well-structured death metal, you simply can't go wrong with a band like Avulsed>
    <is just the handbook "1001 ways to cook a corpse" they likeably follow litterally.>
  • THE STORMER Webzine
    <"Yearing For The Grotesque" es un disco cojonudo, de un gran sonido, y sin duda el mejor de AVULSED hasta el momento.>
    <Sin duda estamos ante las mejores composiciones de su carrera...>
  • FLESHRITES Webzine
    <Spanish most known death metal act returns to feed depraved minds with their foetal death metal assault, the best album on their sick careers!>
    <...después de la gran acogida de “Stabwound Orgasm” nos brindan “Yearning For The Grotesque”, superando todos los esquemas y la producción de su predecesor>
  • HELL AWAITS Magazine
    <...destacan unos temas más elaborados y variados sin perder para nada la contundencia que les caracteriza>
  • SOURCE Webzine
    <The brand new album from these Spanish kings of Old School Death Metal, with even more technicality and severity than ever before>
    <... prepare for the oldschool Death Metal assault you’ve been waiting for! As long as you don’t despise melodies being integrated into shredding brutality in general, this one’s for you.>
    <... en mi opinión el mérito de "Yearning For The Grotesque" reside en burlar los cánones del estilo tanto desde el punto de vista rítmico...>
  • NECROMANCE Magazine
    <AVULSED están de vuelta y han vuelto a crear una obra de arte dentro del Death Metal que dejará a más de uno boquiabierto...>
  • Voices From The Darkside Webmag
    <The more extreme the original was, the better AVULSED's version has turned out.>
  • Decibels Storm Magazine
    <Bloodcovered servira surtout à faire rager d'envie votre voisin collectionneur qui n'aura cet objet rare à son tableau de chasse...>
  • Burn The Sun Webmag
    <Every song is rock solid and done in Avulsed’s patented slick gore metal style>





"Stabwound Orgasm"
    <One of the classic death metal albums of all time in my humblest of opinions. The kind that is up there with Carcass 'Necroticism Descanting the Insalubrious', At The Gates 'Slaughter of the Soul', Necrophagist 'Onset of Putrefaction', Suffocation 'Pierced from Within' and Iniquity's 'Five across the eyes', for sheer brilliant song writing, heaviness, melodies, the whole all round package.>
  • (China)
  • Masterful Magazine
    <I've always associated Avulsed with something extreme, and here they release and album full of mid-tempos, nice solos, etc. Cool release, but not as brutal as before>
    <It is possible that Stabwound Orgasm is one of the better Death Metal releases of 1999. Avulsed has managed to put together an album that sounds fresh, maintains a brutal sound, and provides interesting riffs and melodies. Check it out and discover the truth: Death Metal is not dead!>
  • LaFactorí
    <Death brutal con melodías enfermizas pero más rico en detalles y más variado que antes, con un mayor número de cambios y mucha más estructura >
    <any death metal fan should have no problem enjoying this, even if it probably won't make it into their list of Top 10 albums of all time>
    <Quite honestly, I thought Cannibal Corpse's newest Bloodthirst was going to be the best death metal disc this year until I heard Stabwound Orgasm>
  • Webzine
    <Written in russian!!>
    <For me, this all becomes the best of both worlds, for I get the heaviness of my beloved death metal, but also those melodious leads that stay in the memory banks>
    <"Stabwound Orgasm" is definitely bound to become just as unavoidable as "Altars of Madness" in death-metal history>
    <superschnelles Gebretter mit fettem Sound und einem Sänger, der sich dreivierteltot anhört>
    <Over all this is well written and performed, in the classic death metal style>
  • Metal Review
    <Written in russian!!>
  • Eternal Frost Webzine
    <Stabwound Orgasm has its fair share of melody, but these Spaniards, known for keeping shit brutal, do not fail in the least. Hell, in my opinion, they excel at it.>
  • Scarvando Webzine
    <Esto es puro death. Pero no como en esos discos que te pones y de principio a fin parece que suena un solo tema>
  • Satan Stole My Teddybear Webzine
    <they bust into the same crap that other bands in the genre have been doing for years>
    <Even after a couple of listens, none of the riffs really grasped me so deeply as to give me the feeling that I'd have to hear this or that song again>
    <Tak tihle Spanele me dostali na kolena! Perfektni death metal, ktery hyri snad uplne vsemi prednostmi><Written in czechian>
  • La Coctelera Webzine
    <este nuevo trabajo que tendrá que poner a los Avulsed en su sitio, es decir, en la primera línea del death metal>
  • Gallery Of Sin Webzine
    <I never heard any band mixing midtempo and groovy zombiedeathmetal with good old Paradise Lost doom before>
    <I say again, Stabwound Orgasm is nothing less than a breakthrough for this ultra-heavy band>
  • The Throne Of Abscense Webzine
    <AVULSED tried their best, but despite the rather original style (almost "melodic" Death Grind Gore - yep, don't try this at home) they cannot emprison my attention. Shouldn't Death Grind Gore be brutal (also considering the quite brutal coverart)?!>
  • Edge Of Time Webzine
    <A clear production and a much more considered music make this album a serious happening in death metal world>
  • From Beyond Webzine
    <but there's too much fiddling around with melodies and slow, non-crushing parts present to make this a good Death Metal album in my eyes>
  • Seventh Sign Magazine
    <the songs are played with passion and violence which will make your head banging for a long time...>
  • Steel Madness Webzine
    <The music is intense and brutal but a bit melodic at times and the songs are too catchy. You can remember some of the songs just in first listening>
  • Burn The Sun Webmag
    <Spain's Avulsed has created a nasty fucking album with Stabwound Orgasm that is even better than it is sick>
  • JAVIER DAFONTE (FRA) (May '98)
    (Avulsed Fan)
    <Soy un fan de AVULSED y vivo en Francia (perdoname pero escribo muy mal en espagnol!). Hace 2 días que compré el "Cybergore" CD y hace 2 días que estoy escuchando éste disco de puta madre! Me gusta mucho esta mezcla de sonidos.>
  • AGONY 'ZINE (FRA) (June '98)
    <Most of the tracks, besides some melodies, are just keeping only parts of the original songs and Dave Rotten's ultra-low vocals are just put there and there to emphasis the contrast between the original style and the techno parts ... Let's see if this will remain as a starter from a new sub-sub-sub-sub genre from metal ... I guess yes ! Great, but for open-minded people only ...>
  • CHRONICLES OF CHAOS #31 (USA) (June '98)
    by: Pedro Azevedo (0 out of 10)
    Following the sad example given by Fear Factory's "Remanufacture"... The music on this CD is but a angled, ridiculous version of "EiP".., as the rating above should easily clarify -my- opinion by itself.
  • MACABRE 'ZINE (WEB) (SPA) (Junio '98)
    Avulsed "Cybergore" CD-Repulse Recs.
    5 sobre 6. -Iván.

    <... va en la onda del "Remanufacture" de FEAR FACTORY, pero más brutal. Y yo añadiría que mejor, mas original y más techno.>
  • MACHO CABRÍO (SPA) (Junio '98)
    (Avulsed Fan)
    <...el Cyber-gore me ha gustado mucho y lo que habéis hecho está cojonudo. Me gusta mucho la combinación de batacas electrónicas con riffs pesados. Lo que me agobia un poco es algun tema que tira hacia la onda makinera a lo pum-pum-pum>
    (Avulsed Fan & Bloody 'Zine)
    <...ha quedado COJONUDO y no es peloteo. Lo veo como un experimento dentro del Death que demuestra que pueden seguir haciéndose cosas originales dentro del estilo "jugando" con la tecnología actual>
    (Toy's Factory Records)
    At a glance, it sounds like Chaos Face, led by Buckethead and Bill Laswell, a Jazz artist who is known for the works of Painkiller, Praxis etc. But this techno compilation of one of the premier Spanish death metal/grind bands ,Avulsed's Cybergore will be much more accepted by those who are into death/grind......only if they have open-minded opinion about what the extremites of a band should be. When it comes to hard core techno, it surely attracts the fans of grind core......aggression of blast beats are in the same sense as those of techno's. Don't listen to this effort with small volume of your hi-fi in your house, just feel it + get stoned at your nearest disco + kill people who're into softer ones .......
  • MICHEL (BEL) (July '98)
    (Radio Venom-D.J./host)
    The technoremixxxes from AVULSED are quite interesting, for an adventurous, mature audience. Pure cyber madness. This is how Michel (the Radio Venom-D.J./host) perceives his music after administering several synthetic substances. It will make our listeners flip completely. Hand over the bag with XTC-pills, michel! How the fuck drugs are no good?!? Dope head Dave should oppen his own dance club!!
  • ORKUS MAGAZINE (GER) (July/August)
    By: Der Thomas
    <Fabulous the sound of good arranged grind/death metal in front of the background of a bass (and breakbeats) full of pressure and original fat guitars and bass, which are made better with a good piece of resounds, and combined with great musical cleverness, which is in a way hate-core, that is allowed to be called (without any exxageration): CYBERGORE!!>
  • ABLAZE MAGAZINE (GER) (July/August)
    By: mis
    <The band must have consumed masses of drugs to produce something like "Cybergore". Strange thing, I can' t listen to that every day, but some times...why not? >
  • WEEDCORE WEB MAG. (USA) (July '98)
    Avulsed "Cybergore"
    <Although interesting to listen to a few times, I just cannot get into this album all that much. It is not necessarily bad, I do enjoy alot industrial/electronic music..but I can't see myself listening to this more than a handful of times... I guess it's easier to criticize something, then to praise it.>
  • CALMANT 'ZINE (LIT) (July '98)
    By: Saulius Majauskas
    <AVULSED still sells its records under the glorious label of "pure Death metal", yet there are absolutely no doubts the ways had been parted with in order to sign a deal with Amsterdam-type hardcore techno, also to be known as gabba>
  • NECROMANCE MAG. (SPA) (Julio '98)
    Avulsed "Cybergore" (CD 1998) - Repulse Records.
    David Déniz - 8 sobre 10.

    <Pues ya está aquí el controvertido y esperado álbum de remezclas de los madrileños AVULSED, un álbum que ha levantado una gran expectación, y que sin lugar a dudas sorprenderá a más de uno cuando lo oiga. "Cybergore", que hará flipar a los adictos al bakalao y callarse a los que esperaban éste álbum para criticar a AVULSED>
    By: Jason
    <Take a bit of Brutal Death, mix in a little techno, toss in a video and you have the newest incarnation of Avulsed!! Reviews have been mixed as you might expect, but the band has taken a step that most would never have the balls to do>
  • ETERNAL FROST WEBZINE (another review):
    <Gentleman (and ladies), I have seen the future, and it is Avulsed. Or, in a more general sense, it is death metal remixed into techno. I'm sure this has been done before, to varying degrees of success, but this particular combination works really well>
  • Mark (GROINCHURN) (South Africa) (July '98)
    Hello Dave!
    <I must say, I love the "Cybergore" CD!!!!!!!!! The songs are great and the CD-rom part is excellent too!! Really cool layout and artwork... well I can't say enough good things about this CD!!>
  • IRON PAGES MAG. (GER) (July '98)
    <AVULSED are going on someones nerves with their CD "Cybergore". The Spanish death metal band starts mixing hypnotical techno-beats and death metal. The problem is, that they don' t manage it to produce a good kind of soup with that. Anything but "Pastivoracity" must be described as a failure.>
    Martin: 6 points
    <"Remanufacture" from Fear Factory isn' t very young anymore and Prodigy are existing a little bit longer, too. Now AVULSED try to copy these bands wo' ve done this style first.>
    Serafim Ferreira: 82%
    <Weird and bizarre is what we can say about this job. The most brutal Death Metal is transformed is Techno/Cyber/Death Metal... This work is an escape to the normal work of the band, giving the musicians a change to clear their minds from work. We just hope that this experience ends here, because ont is good but two causes nausea.>
  • Malcom Daglish-ROCKWORLD D.J. (UK) (Oct. '98)
    <Love it loads!! Shits on the Latest FEAR FACTORY album. However, it's too heavy for most of the Industrial crowd...>
  • THE DEAD SEA MAG. #3 (UK) (Nov. '98)
    Nicholas Moberly
    <Rotten's lot have released an album of remixes from their "Eminence In Putrescence" CD in the vein of FEAR FACTORY's "Remanufacture". All these are in the techno/jungle/drum'n'bass direction, and for me as a detractor of the Spaniard's last album, it would be the quality of the remixing that would break this release for me.>
  • NORDIC VISION MAG. #12 (NOR) (Nov '98)
    Melankol X
    <This kind of experimenting sometimes gives great fruites, and AVULSED have really done something I never thought would happen. Being a raw Death Metal band they have dared to combine their music with Electronic beats wich has resulted in an extremely fresh and catchy CD.>
  • GOREFLESH (USA) (Dec '98)
    <Whats up man this is GOREFLESH here in Las Vegas NV and all I got to say is your shit RIPS... I heard the "Petsuis Lobotomy" mix on MP3 off the net, and had to seek your album out.. fucking took me 3 monhs to find it <I dont have a credit card> and it fucking rules...>
  • ARLONG (MAL) (Feb '99)
    Hello there Avulsed
    <I'm Arlong from Malaysia. I've bought your 'Cybergore' and my comment is that you guys really kick ass. I mean, at first instance I was not so excited to hear that the remix is going to be in techno... But after listening to 'Cybergore' my expectation changed... the album still carrying the Death Metal gore and brutality of its original version.. the best example of a DM remix.>
  • VAE SOLIS WEB MAG. #6 (RUS) (Mar '99)
    rating: 5, 5 of 6 - Kai Mattias Stalhammar
    <I bet no one expected such a thing from this famous Spanish band! They always were one of the most innovative and interesting death metal acts in Spain, but nothing could foretell that they will ever release "Cybergore"... Despite those cyber-sound and programming, AVULSED still sound very brutal and (what's most important!) original.>
  • PUNISHMENT 'ZINE (SWE) (Mar '99)
    <... Avulsed's "Cybergore" disc is a full-length with only techno re-mix crap and it sure as hell sucks! All though I hate and despite techno or whatever in general one can hear if it's at least well-done and with a thought behind it.>
    Derek 10/10
    <...although bands have been using samples in their music for quite sometime very few have had the guts to release a whole albums worth and for that alone I take my hat off to them... I can guarantee that by the time 'Cybergore' comes to an end, it will have changed your view on music (or at least it's potential ) for good)... but as I've already said you have to give them 10/10 for having the guts to do something like this in the first place.>
  • THE FRENCH CONNECTION Web-Zine (FRA) (Apr. '99)
    <It's definitly not commercial music. Avulsed created some of the most frightening song ever composed. The cross of technology & human music is near from perfection. It doesn't sound like Rammstein 'cos there's definitly less melodies & the techno parts are really in front of the album. & facing Rammstein, Avulsed has got heavier guitar parts.>
  • BURN THE SUN WEBMAG (USA) (July '01)
    Pete Johnston
    <I know most metal fans dislike techno, but that’s just because most techno doesn’t have Death Metal vocals and killer guitar loops fused into it. Spain’s crazy gore mongers Avulsed have chosen to depart from their usual music and for one special disc give us a chance to really appreciate quality brutal techno.... If after a listen to Cybergore you don’t know why I am calling it brutal, you need a hearing aid.>

    Read ALL complete reviews here ···>>>

"Eminence In Putrescence"
  • Metal Curse Webmag
    <It's an unbeatable monster breathing radioactive fire on the competition>
  • Scream Magazine
    <This is great stuff! After hearing their last EP, no one thought Avulsed could create such great music... One of this years biggest surprises...>
  • Underworld Webzine
    <Death do brutal, com um pouco de aulas de guitarra do clássico Heavy, e um vomitar/agredir constante.>
  • Renoveau Thrash Web'zine
    <Après plusieurs écoutes, on s’aperçoit que Avulsed est redoutablement génial. Un album de True Death metal avec des paroles classiques sur le gore>
  • Snurr Webzine
    <De fläskar inte bara på för sakens skull. "Eminence In Putrescence" är trots den platta produktionen en stark detah metal-skiva>
  • Panzer Magazine
    <Really heavy death metal clearly in the vein of DEMIGOD with a massive production>
  • Trails Of Creation Webmag
    <The rhythm is composed of some of the more original riffs I've heard in Death Metal>


  • Scream Magazine
    <Brutal death metal, not too original, but clearly a band in progress>
  • Alien Lord Webzine
    <Un album per i veri appassionati del death metal underground>

